Home » The Brewing Backlash Against Busyness

The Brewing Backlash Against Busyness

By: Justina Reichel

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Don Quincy/DQC Photo

Today it seems like all ‘successful’ people in life are the ones who keep up with the breakneck pace that society sets for us. But what if I told you that the pride you feel by immersing yourself in the culture of busyness is just an illusion?

In fact, it’s no secret that many people would rather be overwhelmed by a list of never-ending tasks than come face to face with their uncomfortable feelings or relationship problems. And it has been seen that over time, this excessive busyness takes a noticeable toll on our physical as well as mental health.

Although, there does seem to be a light at the end of this dark –and busy– tunnel. Businesses and individuals alike are taking a stand to confront this problem and find ways to help people get out of this harmful busyness cycle.

Check out the rest of this article to see what others are doing to increase their downtime and gain more by doing less.