Home » Happiness Tip: Write a Love Letter

Happiness Tip: Write a Love Letter

Have you seen the moving five minute video from StoryCorps about Danny and Annie? (If not, your happiness tip is to watch it now.)

The little love notes that Danny would leave for Annie defined their relationship. They weren’t particularly poetic, or long, or exciting. But they did the trick: they conveyed his love.

Think about his “Romantic Weather Report”: The weather out today is extremely rainy, I’ll call you at 11:20 in the morning, and I love you, I love you, I love you.

Any of us can write these letters, and when we do, the love in our life grows.

Take Action: Leave someone in your life a little love letter today. How about a note for your daughter in her lunch box? A sticky on your husband’s windshield? A text to your mom that says you’re thinking of her? You could even leave a treat for your dog and call it a love note.

Join the discussion: Tell us something memorable that someone has once written you in a little love note — or that you’ve written for someone else. Inspire others by commenting below or join the discussion on Facebook.

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