Home » Thursday Thought

Thursday Thought

Giving thanks for abundance is sweeter than the abundance itself.”
— Rumi


  1. Alyson says:

    I don’t know how successful I will be at this one. I think the brief mediation at the point of stress is doable and I think I will noticed when I am kicking into this gear in order to interupt the process but maybe I need to focus my meditation on the details of the better choice because my dopamine driven reward that I seek of watching a show on the couch and snacking SEEMS very rewarding and relaxing right now so it will take some convincing to relearn that skipping that and sleeping or moving or reading fr pleasure could be more relaxing. I am noticing that there is some identity stuff tied up in making these changes also. ‘I am’ a scattered person, a distracted person, a person who takes on too much – all of these things have been true for some time so when I imagine actually changing them to achieve my goals part of me imagines that new person is somewhat less interesting or certainly less familiar and doesn’t seem like ‘me’ when I imagine it. There is some element of resistance tied to this notion. Who will I be or become if I let go of some of these habits.

  2. peg says:

    Poor, interrupted sleep is one of my long term challenges, I have experienced this since the time I started menopause ( years ago ) it became very exhausting while I was working in a ultra stressful office, now I am retired, and working just part time, it is slightly better but still a literal Pain( migraine trigger) I will try the sleep app, but find that not thinking about being awake in the middle of the night and reading an engaging book the best short term stress reliever for me. I feel I won a prize when I sleep more 7hrs.

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