Home » Happiness Tip: Practice Gratitude Deliberately

Happiness Tip: Practice Gratitude Deliberately

If we want to be happy we need to practice gratitude deliberately and consistently — or we’ll end up feeling entitled rather than satisfied.

Here are my three favorite gratitude practices:

(1) On Thanksgiving, we appreciate each other by writing on our dinner table place cards. The kids make giant construction paper place cards for each guest, and as people arrive and mingle, we each take some time to sit down at the table and write on the inside of each place card something that we love or appreciate about them.

(2) Several times a week, I take a photograph of something I find beautiful or inspiring, or something I feel grateful for.

(3) Everyday, I ask my kids about three good things. They might share good things that happened to them that day, or good things they did themselves, or even something good that hasn’t happened yet, that they are anticipating.

Take Action: If you don’t already have one, pick a gratitude practice to start this week. Make a plan to make your gratitude practice a habit (don’t skip this part). What will remind you to practice?

Join the discussion: How do you foster gratitude in your life? Inspire others by leaving a comment.