Home » Happiness Tip: Practice Saying No

Photo by Sean Davis

Happiness Tip: Practice Saying No

I am rarely so unhappy as when I’ve committed to do something I don’t really want to do; dread is such a yucky thing to feel.

For better or worse, this time of year tends to bring more invitations to events and parties, more opportunities to volunteer, and more people asking us to help out during the holidays than we could ever possibly accept. When we accept too many invitations, tempting as they might be, we eventually become too exhausted to enjoy the season.

It helps to have (and practice!) a go-to way to say no.

Take Action: Make it easier for yourself to say no by preparing now what you will say the next time you need to decline an invitation. If you need ideas, check out this list of “21 Ways to Give Good No.”

Join the Discussion: What is your favorite way to say no?

Want more ways to reduce stress over the holidays?
Join us for our last live call on this subject at noon on Wednesday, November 19 at noon PST. Or just download the three class teleseries and listen while you are driving, or doing the dishes.