Home » 7 Ways to Feel Loved and Connected

7 Ways to Feel Loved and Connected


Photo by xxFr0z3n

Celebrate other people’s success. The people we love feel closer to us when we actively rejoice with them. When they succeed, whoop and holler like a cheerleader, bring them cupcakes, or pop open a bottle of champagne.

Consciously practice gratitude. Everyday, express appreciation to a friend or family member.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Vulnerability can be uncomfortable, but it allows trust and intimacy to develop.

Accept that people are often annoying. Love them anyway.

Learn how to apologize effectively. We all make mistakes; the trick is knowing how to repair them.

Forgive people. Forgiveness is not about erasing the original hurt; it is about choosing positive emotions over negative ones.

Stop thinking about yourself so much. Turn your attention to the things that you can do to make other people happy.


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May you be happy,

Christine Carter, PhD