Home » Parenting Video: Are We Raising a Generation of Stressed Kids?

Parenting Video: Are We Raising a Generation of Stressed Kids?

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”


Do your kids get daily playtime, some downtime, and some family time? If not, why not actually schedule some playtime, downtime, and family time for your children each day. Feel free to add some extra time on the weekends!

This video is the 3rd in a series about mindful parenting from The Raising Happiness Homestudy. Check out the rest of the Homestudy here.

Covered in this video:

  • The value of play for self-discipline
  • Are you over-scheduling your children? 4 questions to ask yourself to find out.
  • PDF: Playtime, Downtime, and Family Time


If you would like to download the audio version of this video to listen to in your car or on the go, click the link below. DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO VERSION HERE.
