Home » Pressuring Kids Doesn’t Make them Successful

Pressuring Kids Doesn’t Make them Successful

This video is the 2nd in a series about avoiding beliefs or habits that make us unhappy from The Raising Happiness Homestudy. Check out the rest of the Homestudy here. 

Have you talked to your kids lately about what stresses them out? We parents do well to assess our own sources of stress. Even if we are stressed, we can model coping with stress positively by practice one (or more!) of the following:

  1. Mindfulness and/or meditation.
  2. Rest. Take a break from busyness. Get enough sleep.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Have some fun! Goof around a little! Have a moment of lightheartedness.
  5. Spend time with friends and family. Schedule a date night, family game night, or go out with some friends.



If you would like to download the audio version of this video to listen to in your car or on the go, click the link below. DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO VERSION HERE.
