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How Can You Be Happier, and Fast?

Take this quiz to find out.

There are things all of us can do that will result in greater happiness right away: for ourselves AND for our children. What is your low-hanging fruit? What small tweak can you make this week that will result in greater happiness all year? Take this quiz to find out.

  Never or Rarely Sometimes Often or Always
1 I tend to feel stressed out or super busy, or worry that my children are “over-scheduled.” We don’t have much downtime or unstructured playtime.
2 I tend to put MY own needs and MY own happiness over the needs and happiness of my children.
3 I can often be heard praising my children’s natural gifts and talents. I say things like, “You make me proud!” and “You’re so clever!”
4 I believe that in today’s world, achievements and accomplishments–like getting good grades and being really good at a sport–are very important for success. In fact, I believe my children’s accomplishments may be, at this point, more important than their kindness or compassion.
  Never or Rarely Sometimes Often or Always
5 I eat at least five meals a week sitting down with my children (TV off). Family meals are enjoyable.
6 Our family regularly expresses gratitude; my children act more appreciative than entitled.
7 Difficult emotions make me uncomfortable. When my kids are frustrated, sad, or scared, I do whatever I can to end their pain.
8 I can easily get my children to do routine household chores WITHOUT rewarding them (e.g., If you take out the garbage now, you can watch extra TV tonight).
  Never or Rarely Sometimes Often or Always
9 I find myself in my head thinking about my day or my work, or planning for the future–even when I’m with my children. It is hard for me to play with them or read to them without my mind wandering.
10 I feel unlucky. Other people (and their children) seem to get all the lucky breaks.
11 My kids and I watch an hour or more of television a day, and we like to have fashionable clothes and the latest toys.
12 My children get along with their siblings and friends really well; I rarely need to intervene to help them resolve conflicts.
  True False  
13 Follow-through can be really hard for me; I often join groups or start activities that I later drop-out of.  
14 I tend to have more fun, and to participate more, when I do activities with a friend or a group.  
15 I like to do things on my own time at my own pace; I’m disciplined enough to follow-through without the prodding of others.